Edificio Coca-Cola

The Historic Coca-Cola Building in L.A.

The Coca-Cola Building (Coke Building) in Los Angeles is a striking example of the Streamline Moderne architectural style. Designed by renowned architect Robert V. Derrah, this iconic structure was built in 1939 and is known for its unique ship-like appearance, complete with portholes, a walkway, and a bridge-like structure. It’s located at 1334 South Central Avenue and stands out as a notable piece of industrial architecture in Los Angeles.


Coca Cola Building South Central


While the plant remains operational today, it’s not open for public tours. This building was declared a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument (number 138) on February 5, 1975, recognizing its architectural and historical significance. The design reflects the era’s fascination with streamlined design and nautical themes, a characteristic feature of the late Art Deco movement.


Coke Building Los Angeles


The Coca-Cola Building is not just an architectural landmark but also a symbol of America’s industrial and cultural history, particularly reflecting the growth and influence of major corporations like Coca-Cola during the early 20th century. Its unique design makes it a must-see for architecture enthusiasts and history buffs visiting Los Angeles.

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Posted by Me gusta L.A.

Soy psicólogo y escritor. Desde que visité la ciudad de Los Angeles en el año 2019 por primera vez, quedé fascinado y dediqué esta web a difundir sus encantos, su dinámica social, su historia y su cultura, convirtiéndome en un experto en la gran urbe de los sueños.